Kenny Harmon
Associate Professor
JWU Faculty Since 2005

Ken Harmon earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. His major areas of study were American literature and creative writing. Harmon taught English Composition at UNC-Charlotte and Winthrop University as well as Central Piedmont Community College, where he also taught American Literature.
A writer of fiction, poetry, and criticism, his other areas of interest include 19th and 20th century American literature, particularly multi-ethnic literature and literature of the American South, critical theory, popular culture, and contemplative approaches to education. He is currently pursuing a master's degree in mental health clinical counseling through Antioch University.
- B.A., M.A., English, University of North Carolina Charlotte
- ENG1021 Advanced Composition & Communication
- ILS2385 Visual Literacy
- LIT2090 Multi-Ethnic Literature