Ryan Tainsh
JWU Faculty Since 2006

Ryan Tainsh’s current scientific scholarship interests include plant nutrient uses and the process of plant nutrient resorption, especially in salt marsh habitats. He also has a professional interest in the field of teaching and learning, specifically self-directed learning, adult education, online learning and the impact of teaching strategies on science education.
Currently, Tainsh teaches both the coastal ecology and seminar courses in the Biology major. He also teaches a variety of non-major courses, online courses and courses in the sustainability minor. In all his courses, Tainsh deeply enjoys engaging with students in an active and collaborative manner to help them develop as learners and scholars.
- Ed.D., University of the Cumberlands
- M.S., University of Rhode Island
- B.S., University of Rhode Island
- BIO3100 Coastal Ecology
- BIO2046 Human Physiology Lab
- BIO1026 General Biology Lab - Organismal
- SCI1015 Introduction to Life Science
- SCI2030 Introduction to Ecology
- SCI3020 Sustainability Policy and Planning
Professional Affiliations
National Science Teachers Association, 2010-present
National Association of Biology Teachers, 2010-present
Association of College University Biology Educators, 2010-present
Rhode Island Science Teachers Association, 2010-present
New England Faculty Development Consortium, 2016-present
- Dimos, C. & Tainsh, R. (2016, December 20). “Scientific Literacy: Primary Research Article vs. Lay Press Secondary Article.”
- Killingbeck, K.T. & Tainsh, R. (2002). “Does leaf size influence resorption of nutrients from senescing leaves?” Northeastern Naturalist, 9(2), 213-220.
- Tainsh, R. (2012). “Engage Your Environment.” In Friedland, Relyea, and Courard-Hauri, “Environmental Science: Foundations & Applications.” W.H. Freeman & Company, New York, NY
- Tainsh, R. (2015, March 1). “The Botany of Desire: The Missing Chapter.”
- Tainsh, R. (2016). “Thoughtfully designed online courses as effective adult learning tools.” Journal of Adult Education, 45(1), 7.
- Tainsh, R. & Killingbeck, K.T. (in review). “Nutrient resorption efficiency and proficiency in Iva frutescens (Marsh Elder), a woody salt marsh perennial.”