Qingbin Wang


JWU Faculty Since 2015

Qingbin Wang teaches macroeconomics and other economic analysis courses.Qingbin Wang

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Qingbin Wang joined Johnson & Wales University in 2015. Wang is interested in macroeconomics, financial economics and applied econometrics. Much of his current research focuses on bond pricing, inflation expectation and monetary policy in macro-finance context.

Wang enjoys teaching through which he hopes students can grasp the economic intuition and relationship behind economic concepts and theories and critically examine real world events. He strives to balance the economics in classroom and knowledge that students can apply in their future career.

To achieve this, Wang chooses examples and events close to students’ daily lives. He hopes to inspire students to formalize their common senses with economic models and analytical tools and encourage them to interpret economic meanings out of graphs, numbers and examples.

Prior to joining Johnson & Wales University, Wang held the positions of lecturer at the University of Albany and clinical assistant professor at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). He holds an M.A. in Economics (world economy) and a B.E. in International Trade (economics).


  • Ph.D., Economics, University at Albany, State University of New York (SUNY)
  • M.A., Economics, Renmin University of China
  • B.S., International Trade, Shandong Institute of Technology

Through teaching, I hope students can grasp the intuition and causality behind economic concepts and theories and [learn to] critically examine real-world events.

Scholarly Interests

Financial economics
Applied econometrics


  • ECON1001: Macroeconomics
  • ECON1002: Microeconomics
  • ECON2010: World Economic Geography
  • ILS2030: Behavioral Economics Honors Seminar

Professional Affiliations

American Economic Association, 2012-present
Econometric Society, 2012-present
Eastern Economic Association, 2016-present