Erin Wynn
Associate Professor
JWU Faculty Since 2006

After graduating from NYU in 1994, I moved to South Korea where I started my teaching career. I spent two years teaching ESL in Seoul, SK. When I moved back to the U.S., I returned to New York City and got my Master's in TESOL. While getting my degree, I was a middle school Language Arts teacher in Brooklyn, NY. In the early 2000's, I decided to leave New York, and I moved to Saudi Arabia for another opportunity to teach overseas again. Since 2006, I have been in Rhode Island and happily teaching at JWU. I was hired as an adjunct professor in 2006 and became a full-time faculty in 2007. I am truly fortunate to teach at JWU and consider myself lucky to be in the classroom with today's students. I consider it a privilege to be teaching and learning in and out of the classroom with the future of our country.
- M.A., Hunter College
- B.S., New York University
Teaching Interests
Getting my students involved in their learning is the key to my teaching. I think that if we all 'do' and not just listen, learning is a more dynamic experience. We should all be life-long learners and embrace the idea that knowledge is power, and as we sit in our classes and experience learning, we are changing the world.
Scholarly Interests
Self-Directed Learning
Adult-Language Theory/Androgogy
Teaching English as a Second Language
Life-Long Learning
First Year Learning Experiences
- ENG1020 - Rhetoric & Composition I
- ILS2090 - The Working Life
- ENG3030 - Introduction to Food Writing
- FYS1020 - First Year Seminar
Extra Curricular Roles
Providence Campus Liaison to First Year Seminar Program
Co-developer University Explorations Major
Professional Affiliations
Modern Language Association (MLA)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
American Association of Colleges & Universities (AAC&U)
MA Association of Speakers of Other Languages (MATSOL)
New England Association of Teachers of English (NEATE)